Thursday, February 18, 2010


Nick, Ben, Kris & Baloo made it safely to Mazatlan - although it looked for a while that we were stuck on a tack that would either lead us to miss it, or put Baloo sideways to some really big seas.

We pulled into Marina El Cid, and just had time to destroy the buffet (they will never again offer "All-You-Can-Eat") before Cindi and Nat arrived.

Ben had to go home (THANKS, BEN!) but Tami and Henry came in the next day.

Nat was satisfied with the ice cream of Mazatlan.

Kris, Tami, and Henry stayed down the road a little at the Quixote Inn.

Nat selected the V-Berth (the best room in the house) as his space. He moved in all his books, toys, and animals. The only thing that got to stay was the spinnaker, which will live at the foot of his bed, as he doesn't really stick down that far.

We did some beaching, and pool-ing.

Henry and Nat.

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